GiggleLiu - The Numeric Monster

Code Base

Dear reader, please file an issue if any gist or notebook is broken, thank you! - Jinguo



Live Coding

Clip Control

Muscle memory (1). Basic types and control flow

Muscle memory (2). Array operations

Muscle memory (3). Data types

Muscle memory (4). Functions and multiple dispatch

Muscle memory (5). Performance tips

Muscle memory (6). Meta-programming

Tutorial on quantum simulator Yao (@v0.8.3)

The instantiation of a Julia function (in Chinese)


  1. (2023-07-30) Debugging note: HKUST-GZ HPC
  2. (2022-12-30) Solving random walk on graphs with tails
  3. (2020-01-18) Jacobians and Hessians for Reversible Primitives
  4. (2019-06-18) 涂色问题与张量网络
  5. (2019-04-02) Linear Algebra Autodiff (complex valued
  6. (2018-07-09) RealNVP for Physicists
  7. (2018-07-09) Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) for Physicsts
  8. (2018-04-16) Get the gradient of a quantum circuit
  9. (2018-02-01) Back Propagation for Complex Valued Neural Networks
  10. (2017-10-01) Symmetries of Neural Networks as a Quantum Wave Function Ansatz


CC BY-SA 4.0 GiggleLiu. Last modified: April 04, 2024. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.