Only the correct fomulation (above notes) converges to correctly, the old holomophic version naive realization is incorrect.
Equation are meta functions, each of them generates a class of non-holomophic function.
All these functions are realized checked strictly using numerical differenciation.
You can read Akira's "Complex Valued Neural Networks".
Or just contact me:
Many people in computer science states that complex functions can be replaced by double sized real networks, that is not true. This brings us to the old question why complex values are needed? If there is no complex number,
unitary matrices can not be easily implemented.
nature of phase can not be neatly represented, light and holograph, sound, quantum wavefunction et. al.
Although a complex valued network must contain at least one non-holomophic function (to make the loss real), I believe the essense of complex valued functions are holomophism. If a function is not holomophic, it will make no big difference with double sized real functions.
Liouville's theorem gives many interesting results on holomophic complex functions
Every bounded entire function must be constant
If f is less than or equal to a scalar times its input, then it is linear
these properties will give us chance and challenge to implement complex valued networks.
These properties usually means they tend to blow up. Which means, we can not define "soft" functions like sigmoid, tanh.
Code for back-propagation test
Test complex back propagation.
The theory could be found in Akira's book "Complex Valued Neural Networks".
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
# define two useful functions and their derivatives.
def f1_forward(x): return x.conj()
def df1_z(x, y): return np.zeros_like(x, dtype='complex128')
def df1_zc(x, y): return np.ones_like(x, dtype='complex128')
def f2_forward(x): return -np.exp(-x * x.conj())
def df2_z(x, y): return -y * x.conj()
def df2_zc(x, y): return -y * x
# we compare the correct and incorrect back propagation
def naive_backward(df_z, df_zc):
naive back propagation meta formula,
df_z and df_zc are dirivatives about variables and variables' conjugate.
return lambda x, y, dy: df_z(x, y) * dy
def correct_backward(df_z, df_zc):
'''the correct version.'''
return lambda x, y, dy: df_z(x, y) * dy +\
df_zc(x, y).conj() * dy.conj()
# the version in naive bp
f1_backward_naive = naive_backward(df1_z, df1_zc)
f2_backward_naive = naive_backward(df2_z, df2_zc)
# the correct backward propagation
f1_backward_correct = correct_backward(df1_z, df1_zc)
f2_backward_correct = correct_backward(df2_z, df2_zc)
# initial parameters, and network parameters
num_input = 10
a0 = np.random.randn(num_input) + 1j * np.random.randn(num_input)
num_layers = 3
def forward(x):
'''forward pass'''
yl = [x]
for i in range(num_layers):
if i == num_layers - 1:
x = f2_forward(x)
x = f1_forward(x)
return yl
def backward(yl, version): # version = 'correct' or 'naive'
back propagation, yl is a list of outputs.
dy = 1 * np.ones(num_input, dtype='complex128')
for i in range(num_layers):
y = yl[num_layers - i]
x = yl[num_layers - i - 1]
if i == 0:
dy = eval('f2_backward_%s' % version)(x, y, dy)
dy = eval('f1_backward_%s' % version)(x, y, dy)
return dy.conj() if version == 'correct' else dy
def optimize_run(version, alpha=0.1):
'''simple optimization for target loss function.'''
cost_histo = []
x = a0.copy()
num_run = 2000
for i in range(num_run):
yl = forward(x)
g_a = backward(yl, version)
x[:num_input] = (x - alpha * g_a)[:num_input]
return np.array(cost_histo)
if __name__ == '__main__':
lr = 0.01
cost_r = optimize_run('naive', lr)
cost_a = optimize_run('correct', lr)
plot(cost_r, lw=2)
plot(cost_a, lw=2)
legend(['Naive', 'Correct'])
ylabel(r'$e^{-|(x^*)^*|^2}$', fontsize = 18)
xlabel('step', fontsize = 18)