The shared write problem on GPU

We will write a GPU version of axpy! function.

The main program

using NiLang, NiLang.AD
using CUDA
using KernelAbstractions

so far, this example requires patch:

@i @kernel function axpy_kernel(y!, α, x)
    # invcheckoff to turn of `reversibility checker`
    # GPU can not handle errors!
    @invcheckoff begin
        i ← @index(Global)
        y![i] += x[i] * α
        i → @index(Global)

@i function cu_axpy!(y!::AbstractVector, α, x::AbstractVector)
    @launchkernel CUDADevice() 256 length(y!) axpy_kernel(y!, α, x)

@i function loss(out, y!, α, x)
    cu_axpy!(y!, α, x)
    # Note: the following code is stupid scalar operations on CuArray,
    # They are only for testing.
    for i=1:length(y!)
        out += y![i]

y! = rand(100)
x = rand(100)
cuy! = y! |> CuArray
cux = x |> CuArray
α = 0.4

Check the correctness of results

using Test
cu_axpy!(cuy!, α, cux)
@test Array(cuy!) ≈ y! .+ α .* x
(~cu_axpy!)(cuy!, α, cux)
@test Array(cuy!) ≈ y!

Let's check the gradients

lsout = 0.0
@instr Grad(loss)(Val(1), lsout, cuy!, α, cux)

you will see a correct vector [0.4, 0.4, 0.4 ...]


you will see 0.0.


Why some gradients not correct?

In the above example, α is a scalar, whereas a scalar is not allowed to change in a CUDA kernel. What if we change α to a CuArray?

This one works: using a vector of α

@i @kernel function axpy_kernel(y!, α, x)
    @invcheckoff begin
        i ← @index(Global)
        y![i] += x[i] * α[i]
        i → @index(Global)

cuy! = y! |> CuArray
cux = x |> CuArray
cuβ = repeat([0.4], 100) |> CuArray
lsout = 0.0
@instr Grad(loss)(Val(1), lsout, cuy!, cuβ, cux)

You will see correct answer


This one has the shared write problem: using a vector of α, but shared read.

@i @kernel function axpy_kernel(y!, α, x)
    @invcheckoff begin
        i ← @index(Global)
        y![i] += x[i] * α[i]
        i → @index(Global)

cuy! = y! |> CuArray
cux = x |> CuArray
cuβ = repeat([0.4], 100) |> CuArray
lsout = 0.0
cuβ = [0.4] |> CuArray

Run the following will give you a happy error

ERROR: a exception was thrown during kernel execution. Run Julia on debug level 2 for device stack traces.

@instr Grad(loss)(Val(1), lsout, cuy!, cuβ, cux)

Because, shared write is not allowed. We need someone clever enough to solve this problem for us.


  • Shared scalar: the gradient of a scalar will not be updated.
  • Expanded vector: works properly, but costs more memory.
  • Shared 1-element vector: error on shared write.

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