Model Problem

A model problem is a subclass of AbstractProblem that defines the energy function of a computational problem. Facts affecting the computational complexity classification of the problem also include the topology of the problem and the domain of the variables.


Required functions include:

  • variables: The degrees of freedoms in the problem. e.g. for the maximum independent set problems, they are the indices of vertices: 1, 2, 3..., while for the max cut problem, they are the edges.

  • flavors: A vector of integers as the flavors (or domain) of a degree of freedom. e.g. for the maximum independent set problems, the flavors are [0, 1], where 0 means the vertex is not in the set and 1 means the vertex is in the set.

  • parameters: Energies associated with terms.

  • evaluate: Evaluate the energy of a given configuration.

Optional functions include:

  • num_variables: The number of variables in the problem.
  • num_flavors: The number of flavors in the problem.
  • set_parameters: Change the parameters for the problem and return a new problem instance.
  • parameter_type: The data type of parameters.
  • findbest: Find the best configurations in the computational problem.