NiLang Grammar
To define a reversible function one can use macro @i plus a function definition like bellow
@i function f(args..., kwargs...) where {...}
where the definition of <stmts> are shown in the grammar bellow. The following is a list of terminologies used in the definition of grammar
- <ident>, symbols
- <num>, numbers
- 0, empty statement
- <JuliaExpr>, native Julia expression
- [ ], zero or one repetitions.
Here, all $JuliaExpr$ should be pure, otherwise the reversibility is not guaranteed. Dataview is a view of a data, it can be a bijective mapping of an object, an item of an array or a field of an object.
Stmts : 0
| Stmt
| Stmts Stmt
Stmt : BlockStmt
| IfStmt
| WhileStmt
| ForStmt
| InstrStmt
| RevStmt
| AncillaStmt
| TypecastStmt
| @routine Stmt
| @safe <JuliaExpr>
| CallStmt
BlockStmt : 'begin' Stmts 'end';
RevCond : '(' <JuliaExpr> ',' <JuliaExpr> ')';
IfStmt : 'if' RevCond Stmts ['else' Stmts] 'end';
WhileStmt : 'while' RevCond Stmts 'end';
Range : <JuliaExpr> ':' <JuliaExpr> [':' <JuliaExpr>];
ForStmt : 'for' <ident> '=' Range Stmts 'end';
KwArg : <ident> '=' <JuliaExpr>;
KwArgs : [KwArgs ','] KwArg ;
CallStmt : <JuliaExpr> '(' [DataViews] [';' KwArgs] ')';
Constant : <num> | 'π';
InstrBinOp : '+=' | '-=' | '⊻=';
InstrTrailer : ['.'] '(' [DataViews] ')';
InstrStmt : DataView InstrBinOp <ident> [InstrTrailer];
RevStmt : '~' Stmt;
AncillaStmt : <ident> '←' <JuliaExpr>
| <ident> '→' <JuliaExpr>
TypecastStmt : '(' <JuliaExpr> '=>' <JuliaExpr> ')' '(' <ident> ')';
@routine : '@routine' <ident> Stmt;
@safe : '@safe' <JuliaExpr>;
DataViews : 0
| DataView
| DataViews ',' DataView
| DataViews ',' DataView '...'
DataView : DataView '[' <JuliaExpr> ']'
| DataView '.' <ident>
| DataView '|>' <JuliaExpr>
| DataView '\''
| '-' DataView
| Constant
| <ident>